Saturday, March 14, 2020

zebra print bathroom wall decor

zebra print bathroom wall decor

last week we prepped for the sky lightsby making what i call a porthole shingled the kitchen roof and beginplanning for the bathroom shower walls stay tuned as we continue with theadditions to the main house ðÿž¶ i'm gonna go look in here see if we have the walls in yet and nothing yet but we're gonna put a wall in there and a wall in there we're getting ready to set in our newwindows in our new little holes here

little portholes putting in a gasket toput the glass in so the glass isn't just setting in there loose yep this is the porthole we're gonna have to trim off the edges but that'sfor the most part the circle and how i'm going to get this to stay inside here is - i've rounded off the edges a little bit

so that it'll slip slightly into theporthole itself and then i've put on this spacer the spacer is gonna behalfway in between and then when i put the next one that's also the same roundness, i'll sandwich it right in here it'll come out to almost the width of what ineed to have i'm gonna make one side permanent and the other side, i'm going to bolt in all right guys what are we doing? we are cobbing our kitchen edition today

i have a little helper sometimes he pulls on my glove tries to guide my hand a little bit i'm not doing that right now but he has a bean to keep them occupied he has a bean-kie bean-kie [giggles] are you being real helpful?

you're so photogenic when your standing still doesn't happen very often but it happens ah here we are hi little guy alright i got the bottles for the flower alright they got a little dusty, we might have to dust them off

maybe diesel will lick them off can you clean them? gizzy is doing it for you, look at that i got seven pedals if you remember the bottleflower that we designed, it's now time to get that installed in the kitchen wall so i need to have seven equally spaced petals not sure exactly how we're gonna dothat

petals go like this i'm gonna start with these first two on the bottom i'm gonna have to do these in sections because if i put it in too quickly thebottle is gonna sag so i need to come in every day and do a little bitmore on it everything has to point to the center so those will be the nextones and i think that this is all i'm gonna do for right now i'll let thatsettle and then i'll add it tomorrow

we picked up this bench real cheap and nowwe're gonna doll it up for our courtyard yesterdaybryson sanded up this bench real nice and mom put this coat of paint on it fora base for some sunflowers i'm gonna be painting today pretty excited i'mthinking like maybe little thing of sunflowers across the top i have seven petals of this flower and ilooked out the window this morning - out of my kitchen window and i saw that i'vealready filled half the circle and only

have two bottles and this isn't good well let's see we got two going here one and then two more right there one two three four - i would have to do three more there and would that look weird? all right mom i got a couple more rows on like that and then i got the centerpiecein looks so good

why don't you just do this do we have to have seven? well no we don't but i thought an odd number of petals is - mom it's like cutting a pizza how hard is it? i don't know straight lines okay well i'm gonnakeep going and i don't know if i should

reduce it to just six but everything'ssymmetrical then and that's kind of boring it's a flower so it's organic you canget away with whatever you want we have some parts and pieces we have to stick on it of a toilet toileto unboxing a toilet is really hard todo that's right you have assembled these things toilet seat

we've got some guestscoming in here next week we're all excited about getting an extra bathroom all right first time test - here we go dad please no leaks and quiet boom shutoff hey we're done let's get the wet towels out of here ready

what do we got going on over here guys? i think imight be able to just get them all in today ah, that looks so cute i wonder if that one should be lifted up a little more mom, that looks great all 7 in right? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ace

that great looks like and then you're over here slapping the flatstuff hey you should of seen the flowers i did earlier i gotta go see that ahhhh, those look cute the whole bench looks so cute you can see max has chosen a place veryclose to us and the result of laying here, left his fur all dirty this iswhat happens when you spend time with us

huh max? oh oh you're gonna even tuck inmore it's not like we're trying to drop anything on them but you know stuffdrops because we're working and they decide to go right underneath us betweenyou and me, i think they just like to be next to us one thing i wanted to dowas to be able to see through the bottles

it looks like that's working icould have been a little more careful about getting dirt in between thebottles by wrapping that tape a little tighter you could see a little bit ofthe dirt through there but you can definitely see through them i'm really happyabout that cool, what goes on the outside then? our siding

this is the the coolest shower wall i have ever seen how fun is it gonna be showering well that wraps up thisweek, stay tuned as we continue more on the bathroom with the kitchen additions we aren't gonna be back next week because garen and ellie are gettingmarried but we are gonna be back in two weeks thank you so much for watching nowif i ever need to have a serious

conversation with you and i need to lookat your face i'll just be like i wanted to tell you about something awesome i canstill have serious conversations and look at your face i think i need a... [laughter] over here this is what shae did

dun dun dun dun dun dun look at that seeing if i can clean the spot perfect i feel like i could of done better look how beautiful they look on camera well cameras all it matters exactly

what's on your nose bree? ourfamily moved from the city to the country thanks for taking part in ouradventure we have new videos every friday evening if you would like to helpus out you can like this video, share it subscribe or support us on patreon seethe links in the description

it's just gonna look like this - bam bam and then puuuuuurrrrrr that's okay it's look like a sunshine it is a person with a body, legs and a beautiful sombrero okay i like this train of thought you seriously on my leg

yikes dude bryson! please tell me you're not on my leg okay dude do you have to get off my leg no, yikes!

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