Friday, December 30, 2016

design living room help

- [voiceover] how doyou like this face? it's brought to you by... (birds chirping) (guitar melody) (applause) - [bryan] well, hi. thanks for joining me. my name's bryan, i writesongs for a living. not a good one, but youknow, i write songs anyway.
like to do a whole list ofsongs that go clear back you know, as long as i'vebeen around as a songwriter. i finally got around towriting a song for you. with that, withoutany further ado, let's just get tothat one, okay? this is a song iwrote just for you, in thanks for coming tonight. ("sweet friend ofmine" by bryan duncan) å› my my, sweet friend of mine
å› you can clap along å› you got me feelinglike i can make it today å› my my sweet friend of mine å› got me believingevery step of the way å› say what you will,say what you won't å› but if anyone can changemy attitude on anything å› comes down towho i'm talkin to å› spendin time with you å› and i'm free toset my sail again
å› i get stuck inthe trouble i face å› you help me findmy way through å› i'm counting on you å› you've got me feelinglike i can make it today å› there is no way i could repay å› thank you by the hour å›and never have the time to say å› but here i am in tune with you å› we're still laughing through
å› all this world is comin to å› yes, i get stuck in the middle å› all of the time å› in all of the troubles i face å› and i'm counting on you å› such a relief to behappy at the end of the day å› whoo å› you bring a smile, friend å› it's been a while
å› and all i can say is å› i'm glad that you're near å› if it wasn't for you now å› i wouldn't be here å› sing with me world å› you've got me feelinglike i can make it today å› sing it with me one time. å› got me feeling
å› got me feeling like i å› make it today å› my myå› my my sweet friend of mine å› sweet friend of mineå› got me believing å› sweet friend of mineå› every step of the way å› friend of mineå› my my sweet friend of mine å› sweet friend of mine å› sweet friend of mineå› my my sweet friend of mine å› sweet friend of mine å›
- [bryan] so how didyou like your song? that was your song, andthanks for coming out like i said. if you'd like toknow how i'm doing, i just thought i'd write a song, so we can keep remembering to be thankful no matter what you're in to. whoo, come on now.
("got ya where you wantme" by bryan duncan) å› if you wanna be clearwith any certainty å› if i am doin alright å› i can thank the good lord å› in the place that i'm in, å› stand in the good light å› got ya where you want me å› don't know where i am å› but i know how i'll be
å› whoo hoo å› i do what i canwhere it's not up to me å› if you want a hardtruth as its applied to me å› i seldom see what i need å› i just want what i want å› and then i getwhat i don't want å› got to sow the right seed å› i got ya where you want meå› you keep me planted å› i'm taking root å›
- you can sing thispart right here it goes "keep me planted" it goes (singing) å› youkeep me planted, mmm å› we're pickin fruit, whoo hoo å› got ya where you want meå› keep me planted å› keep me planted å› we're takin root å› do what i can whereit's not up to me å› you keep me planted
å› we're pickin fruit å› if i'm watered å› i bloom where i'm planted å› i'm blooming all over å› blooming all over å› i got ya where you want meå› keep me planted å› takin root å› but i know how i'll beå› keep me planted å› i'm takin root
å› do what i can, butit's not up to me å› keep me planted,we're pickin fruit å› oh, if i'm watered å› lord, i'm blooming all over å› blooming all over å› - you can sing that parttoo, if you want to. å› keep me planted,we're picking fruit å› got it, got itwhere he wants me å› keep me plantedå› where he wants me
å› keep me planted,we're pickin fruit å› i'm takin rootå› blooming all over å› do what i can butit's not up to me (applause)å› whoo hoo å› - that was my attemptat a worship song. i don't even (laughs)know if that'll be a real sing-along, but you know? i love, my worship stuffhas a back beat to it whap, you know give me a groove.
cause that's whyi've lived this long, it's because it kindaserves as a pacemaker if you have really loudmusic going your whole life. i'm gonna do one ofmy favorite songs. it's off of the"conversations" project, but you know, i'dwritten it originally as kind of a goofy song,you know, called "there's no wordsfor this song". so the third verse had nothing
and i thought it was funny. but the chordswere so pretty that my guitar player, tony, said "man, you gotta slowthat thing down, "those chords arejust gorgeous." and i never thought about it. leave it to me to be flippant at a time when god couldjust deliver a nugget. and so, let me just seewhat you think of it,
it goes like this. ( "no words" by bryan duncan) å› up all night trying to write å› everything aboutlove i understand å› but there's nowords for this song å› you and methrough thick n thin å› thank you lord,but where do i begin å› cause there's nowords for this song å› a lot i could say
å› oh but nothinquite feels right å› cause there's no words, å› no words for this song å› for this song å› flowery words won't do å› oh when i think of you å› when i think of you å› and how grateful å› how grateful i am
å› there's just no words å› in the brief light å› of my own clear mind å› thought i'd write how i å› love my time with you å› could be wrong å› that's alright å› i'm just sayinhow grateful i am å› there's no words
å› just no words, no words å› oh, but nothingquite feels right å› oh no words, no words å› for this song, for this song å› no when i think of you å› and how grateful,how grateful i am å› no words for this song å› (music fades) - thanks for liking that.
some of my favorite songsare the mellow things that don't go over well in the big rockkinda presentations. and so this is kindanice, to get a chance to do some of my low-key songs. most people don'trealize that i do have a mellow side, so i justthought i would play a couple of the songs that, because at the end of the day,
who i am in real life isthis connection with god. it understandsthat i got nothing, i got nothing butfor the grace of god. and i follow him, you know why? cause he never tellsme where we're going. just thought i'd dothis little song here, because, and i'd liketo dedicate it to me if you don't mind, because i wrote thisin my own quagmire.
it goes like this. ("once i've arrived"by bryan duncan) (mellow rock melody) å› lying awake, night after night å› i turn to you for the meaning å› to a thousand dreams å› why should i fear å› what i'm given no answers to å› i'm living with uncertainty
å› what if i cry å› what if i never learn å› what the future holds for me å› i wait for you å› i do å› assured to find thatyou are all i need å› somewhere beyond here å› is a dreamer's promised land å› faith is the road
å› where without fear å› i believe i'll understand å› once i've arrived å› life is defined,still unexplained å› i worship you inteary-eyed laughter å› step of faith again and again å› reaching out to you å› from vision andstrength of mind å› sure to find thatyou are all i need
å› and faith is the road å› once i've arrivedå› why love is hard to hold å› like dreams thatsimply must unfold å› like dreams å› (caribbean melody) - [bryan] just gonnahave a little caribbean flavor to this thing. ("hand it over" by bryan duncan) real simple, like this.
and we'll need youto yell right here, it goes whoo! - [audience] (faint yell) - come on! å› i'd like to say you'regonna make it, children å› i'd like to say thateverything will be alright å› from the time you'restartin' out in the morning å› 'till the time you fallasleep in the sweet moonlight å› i'd like to saythe world is fair
å› you can face itfrom an easy chair å› i'd like to say it å› but it's just not true å› you do your best, å› but it's not always up to you å› so hand it over å› to hands that are stronger å› his hand is on you å› if you'll hand it overå› hand it over
å› doesn't mean you stop å› your brain from thinking å› doesn't mean thatif you're smilin' å› no one's home å› or in your heart å› you'll never feel like cryin' å› doesn't mean you'llnever dance alone å› but you will alwayshave a song to sing å› not a tear willever fall in vain
å› undying love willbe sustaining you å› yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah å› a helpin' hand ineverything you do, oh å› if you'll hand it over å› just hand it over,you'll be alright å› (wordless vocals) å› trust with allyour heart and mind å› in the name above all names å› if you look you'llfind divine design
å› in the strongest å› of the strugglesand the strains å› it doesn't mean you stopyour brain from thinkin' å› no one's home å› you'll never feel like cryin' å› a helpin' hand ineverything you do å› say you're gonnamake it, children å› whoo!å› won't you hand it over å› won't you hand it over
å› you will alwayshave a song to sing å› undyin love will besustaining you, yeah å› won't you hand it overå› a helpin hand å› in everything you do å› in my heart i knowyou're gonna make it å› like to say you'regonna make it, children å› i'd like to sayeverything'll be alright å› in my heart i knowyou're gonna make it å› - i've discoveredin my life time
that when it really dawnson you that you're loved it changes everything, your circumstances don'tdig in quite as deep. when you know that you aren't carrying yourburdens by yourself and that's not justknowing jesus personally it's knowing his friends. this is one of mycircumstances right now. i wrote a song i'm notgonna sing right now,
but it's just talkingabout one missing piece and all of a sudden, i'mloving the story i'm in. it's like, i watched thismovie where they gave you one piece ofinformation right at the end that changes the whole story. you're going "oh,now i gotta go back "and watch the whole thing". and i think that's whyi don't really share my testimony all that often,
because i don't really knowwhat the real story is. i'm trusting that, eventhe mistakes that i've made is something that goddeliberately took me through so that i would be theperson that i am today. and it just makes youembrace the circumstances that happen to all of usevery single day of our lives. if you can count ongod to edit your story and make it a better testimonythan you even had in mind. so wait, just waituntil you hear mine.
it's about love-changingexperience. (country guitar melody) ("lovin you" by bryan duncan) å› think it's love bringsout the stars at night å› the darkest sky justmakes the moon shine bright å› things i never thoughtabout before i met you å› takin time outto improve my gaze å› you make a strangerof my lonely days å› i'm lovin, i'm lovin,lord you know i'm lovin you
å› out chasin moonbeamson a lover's land å› retrace my steps tofind my heart again å› run to the beachto watch the waves å› crash into the sand å› out where the oceanmeets the pink blue sky å› that's where iwanna live until i die å› cause i'm lovin, lovin,you know i'm lovin you å› i'm lovin, lovin, lordyou know i'm lovin you å› - all right, it goes like this
(whistles) (unclear dialogue) å› lovin, i'm lovin, lordyou know i'm lovin you å› lord you know i'm lovin å› every minute of every day å› - we're going to do acouple of lower key things, hope you don't mind. (humming) ("chains" by bryan duncan)
å› south of a jailcell in mississippi å› well i met a free manfrom middle tennessee å› but freedom's road'slookin mighty slippery å› still doing hard time,devil's in his mind å› he's got a screwloose in the asylum å› he's letting lunaticsfreely run the show å› he's got a chainreference right beside him å› all stuff his mama said, å› still he doesn't know
å› she said chains come in every å› shape and size, y'all å› chains, don't hardlyfeel them after awhile å› those chains, linksof little compromises å› chains, could trademy kingdom for a file å› i know a hard man,works the circus å› a strip of leatherkeeps his animals at bay å› and all the elephantsstay in a circle å› a simple bracelet,'round a single leg
å› he said, as longas i have been living å› i don't get to thinking, no å› oh, what keeps them here å› their strength is tentimes the opposition å› it must be a brainthing, keeping them in fear å› guess it's a brainthing, keeping them in fear å› he said chains come in every å› shape and size, hey å› chains
å› chains, could trade my kingdom å› my kingdom for a -- å› - lord, lots oflinks in this chain how'd i get here anyway? come on break! å› oooh å› - come on now, break! å› oooh, can't seem to break it å› oh, break it now
å› take more than cutting onthese round little things å› ain't got nometal file that ever å› gonna break these rings å› still hooked on something å› wrapped around my brain å› ain't broken nothing but å› my heart around these chains å› chains, oooh å› chains, trade my kingdomå› oh, my kingdom
å› oooh, chains å› can't seem to break them now å› my kingdom, mykingdom for a file å› chains, can't seem to break å› can't seem to break, chains å› can't seem to break å› trade my kingdom for a file å› - you guys can keepclapping right here wrote this songwith phil keaggy.
("little bit at atime" by bryan duncan) å› i spoke to god and told him å› don't think i'm gonna make it å› keep fallin down and breaking å› everything around me grounded å› just when i find what i think å› is gonna make me happy å› start to unwind likeanother ball of string å› so here i am
å› stuffin my pocketsfull of nothin å› hope you won'tleave me grievin å› little bit at a time å› think i can take a bruisin å› when there's apoint in choosin å› but i can't win for losin å› little bit at a time å› - and you sing å› just a little bit at a time
å› the lord came back and told me å› you know i understand that å› i didn't make a singleworld in just a day å› i started out with nothin å› just had a feel for somethin å› collectin dust andjust a little bit o clay å› ooh, just a little bit å› - let's have the girlssing with me now. å› ooh, just a little bit
å› little bit at time å› now look at all i'm holdin å› i got a world unfolding å› and love for you untold å› i claim a stake in makin å› there's no mistake i'm takin å› just cause its cominlittle bit at a time å› a little bit at a time å› break it down
å› oooh, just a little bit - yeah, like this. ("strollin on thewater" by bryan duncan) å› open up my eyes i pray å› lord, for just alittle glimpse of you å› that's all i need,it's all i've ever needed å› to see beyond myself, å› beyond this tiny little world å› all your hands have made
å› with beauty and strength alone å› oh, i can seeyou comin to me now å› yeah, like a shimmerin light å› shimmerin light on an open sea å› barefoot on the water å› laughin' at the ocean å› like you were old friends å› callin out my name å› saying join me now
å› strollin on the water å› high over every care å› sinking no longer å› let me riseabove the high tide å› i can do it, i'll do it, yeah å› i know where mystrength comes from å› do do do do do do,do do do do do do å› oh yeah, yeah å› help me cut these bonds
å› where i keep my spirit tied å› all safe and dry å› safe and dry, but so afraid å› let me come to you å› let me run to you å› with my heart still beating å› beating in my throat å› with my sweatypalms and mouth so dry å› shakin 'til ican't stand still
å› all i'm askin å› all i'm askingis to let me cross å› that great dividebetween you and i å› only you can take me there å› i know that yousaid "follow me" å› just let the water flow å› let it go å› oh, keep your eyes on me å› feel alive
å› try turning circles å› bend your knees and hold your å› hands up high å› feel the wind in your hair å› with your eyes closed å› take a breath of fresh air å› feel the mist on your toes å› look where we are now å› high over every care below
å› i'm sinking no longer å› cause i know wheremy strength comes from å› yeah å› thinking no longer å› strollin on the water å› (smooth rock melody) - all right, putyour hands together little bit right here. ("into my heart"by bryan duncan)
å› you've got meshakin', time out å› i thought i hadyou figured out å› but i've been mistaken somehow å› thought i'd learnedthe truth by now å› i guess i've beenthinkin' way too much å› could be i'm out of touch å› gotta get you å› into my heartand out of my head å› no mind games, i'llplay love instead
å› into my heart, out of my head å› i need your help to find a way å› into my heart å› i keep my distance, my pride å› such a clever place to hide å› what a sadexistence in my mind å› another precious waste of time å› the best way to changemy mind i've found å› and turn my heart around
å› is to get you å› no mind games, i'lltake love instead å› oh, it would be so easy å› just to lock my heart away å› turn my back and i would never å› have to say å› long as i live, i need you å› to feel the way that i do å› oh! å›
- this is really high,so maybe you guys can help me sing it. å› oh! oh! ooooh! å› sing it with me one more time å› i need your helpto find my way å› need your helpå› out of my head å› find my wayå› i need your help å› into my heart, break it downå› into my heart out of my head å› i need you help to find a way
(music ends, applause) - now i went back about20 years, maybe 30. you don't realize, youknow, because as i became an older man, you stillthink you can do the stuff that you talk about,and then it dawns on you you haven't donethat for a long time. (laughs) and when i go back toa song from the 80's, whoa, that's really high.
i'm gonna have toget, put on my rider that i need an oxygen bottle in the back. i'd like to do a song here, hopefully this,oh, i forgot, good. this is, we'regetting to that point where i'm saying goodbyeto a lot of my friends. most recently, thisweek was andre crouch, and he's not theonly one this month
that i have said goodbye to. people that i've grownup with and known through my lifetime, andwho've inspired me and encouraged meand kept me going when, you know all of uswant to quit at some point and i'm gratefulfor those people, but now we have the mantleourselves and we have to pass that on. but i'd like to do asong for all the friends
i've said goodbye to, cause the good newsabout knowing christ is that, it's just for now. it's not forever. so, with that in mind, here's a song that iwrote for my friends. (gentle piano melody) ("for now goodbye, myfriend" by bryan duncan) å› before a new horizon dawns
å› a familiar path must end å› and the broadest road å› grows narrow where å› a mountain's pass begins å› here we reachthe grand diversion å› all must travel once alone å› and i will missyour steps beside me å› you'll be there before me å› and i'll hearyou in the echoes
å› of the chasm i must face å› holding firmly to a vision of å› my final resting place å› call it crossing over jordan å› heaven's holy promised land å› my belief does not encumber å› the truth as it shall stand å› rest assured i'llfeel your absence å› though with angels you ascend
å› to the final call å› i'll follow then å› for now, goodbye my friend å› i shall grieveand still believe it å› a mighty god of graciousness å› and i will long foryour embrace again å› never on this earthwill we be the same å› as i walk where you have gone å› and i shall honoryou in living here
å› as the saints look down upon å› and a saviorspeaks his greeting å› "welcome home" around the bend å› and i extend myhand in silent pause å› to the finalcall, i humbly bow å› for now, goodbye, my friend (melody slowly ends) - i sang that at my dad'sfuneral, about four years ago, and my wife's bestfriend died last week
and andre died this week, just kinda spins your head. suddenly you're followingchrist for a whole lot more reasons, more personalreasons than you ever did before, and whew. glad we got a long historywith the lord, that's all. i wrote this songabout 20 years ago, and it came out inabout fifteen minutes and i didn't thinkabout it again.
and we recorded itand we went on tour, and we toured fora year and a half and nobody heard this song. it was the lastsong on side one, and it never dawned on mewhy people like this song and it's, until recently,i started to realize this song is fromgod's point of view instead of mine, and i'd never evengiven it a consideration
that god just bypassed me. i thought that was pretty cool. and it says whateverybody wants to hear. you want to hear from god? you want to know what he says? the bible's not a scary place. just read the words of jesus. simple, simple as that. and here's whathe said in there,
(soothing piano melody) ("love you with mylife" by bryan duncan) å› well, i would like to say å› just before i leave you å› i'll be back someday å› and with me i will take you å› so do not be afraid å› only watch and pray å› and wait for my return
å› i've done what i must do å› my work is completed å› it's all been done for you å› believe what i have stated å› and i will give you peace å› through all your tribulations å› until i come again å› please know that i love you å› i'll stay by your side
å› if only now in spirit å› i'll still be your guide å› you will not suffer long å› for i've suffered for you å› i love you with my life å› i'll prepare a place å› where we can live togeher å› i'll meet you face to face å› to share our new forever
å› don't let your love grow cold å› and i will not allow å› what's more than you can bear å› i've suffered for you å› love you with my life å› i love you with my life å›

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