Saturday, March 14, 2020

yellow and grey bathroom decor

yellow and grey bathroom decor

and here's the camera,and have fun. okay? okay. don't destroy the bathroom. i won't. i think. it says too faced on it. does that mean i'mgonna have two faces? i think so.

hi! can you bring the mop because evelyn just-- hi guys, it's me, emily! and evelyn. from twosistertoystyle, and today, we are going to be spending 24 hours somewhere, but we don't really know where yet.

>> yeah.>> because... we couldn't decide. so we just put the top3 suggested ones. there's car, there's bathroom,and there's balcony, and i really don't wantto get balcony because it's so windy. yeah, and if it rains,it's gonna be bad. i mean, i want the carbecause we could get drive-thru. yeah.

in the car, you could sleep, you could eat,and there's electricity, like you can watch videos. electricity, i mean internet. but anyway, we're justgonna pick and bathroom... we could go to the bathroom. but we can go. i bet our parents would let usgo to the bathroom either way. so i don't know.

bathroom is justbetter than balcony. so i hope we don't get balcony. >> well, this is the one that didn't fall out.>> this is the one. no, it's not. that fell on the floor. i'm really hoping for car. car is like the best one. bathroom? at least it's not balcony.

bathroom. i mean, which oneare we gonna use? because mine isreally really small. can we use your one? whose? yours, mommy, yours. i don't want youto use my bathroom. my bathroom is nice and clean. so can we stay?

if you keep it clean. we will. or we will try. okay, let's pack our stuff because all the only thingin the bathroom >> is the bathroom stuff.>> first, mango! mango, you're coming. and we also are goingto need a toothbrush. definitely a toothbrush.

>> and-->> i hurt your-- and food. so let's, let's do this. and also pillows and blankets,and a puppy. okay, let's go. yummy. evelyn, that's seriously allyou're bringing is marshmallows? they're very important. well, yeah, they're yummy,

but come on,we need to get some more things. just excited toget marshmallows. we need more foodand a lot more blankets. okay, guys, we arein the bathroom, and we got everything. well, i hope wegot everything here. we didn't miss anything. that's gonna be like camping,but in a bathroom. you ready?

so here's my phone. you guys need anything,just give us a call. we're going to be right here. in the next room. okay guys. so this is the bathroom. it's pretty bigfor a bathroom. but anyway, we're goingto start the tour. so evelyn's playingon my mom's phone

because she has running man. so this is toilet number one, and it's really scary because like when youlike walk close to it, it opens by itselfand its really weird, and it makes weird noises, and we're just goingto get out of that room. we also have mango. necessary.

we also got some marshmallow. here we have a shower,which is also super big, and it has like all the suppliesright there with a wooden thing, which i don't think is the best, because like wood isnot that good for water. here is me. and then this isthe other toilet. but since we don't reallyneed five toilets for four people in this house,

we just use it aslike cleaning storage, like with cleaning supplies. a tripod so we can likeprop you guys up there, and i just steppedon mango's ball. yes. so we have like mango's bedand some other toys, and mango is playingwith one of the toys, which is super annoying. but okay.

and then here... here, we have like a bunchof games and toys that we can play with if we get boredof playing roblox. and then here,we have like food and water. of course, our parents are goingto bring us like-- weird, okay. real dinner and stuff because we can't just surviveon all of this for 24 hours. a sink, charger for the laptops.

i don't know where wewould charge them though. but... and then here,we have the bathtub, which is where we'regoing to be sleeping. there's another mirror. there's so many mirrors here, like one, two, three,and then four, which is weird, okay. i don't know why there's somany mirrors in a bathroom,

and then, just a bunchof necessary stuff like pillows. see, the thingjust opened again. that's so creepy. and then we havelike the laptops, and evelyn sitting on a s'more. and then we havemarshmallows evelyn brought. i don't really know why. they're important, emily. not really.

but yeah. and then we have a sink. okay guys, step one is to explorethe bathroom and see what pa-- goodies our parents have. so... okay, let's see here. makeup. guys, looks like we're gonnamake some makeup looks,

and probably watchsome tutorials. actually. i'm not gonnawatch any tutorials. i'm just gonna getstraight into it. i know barelyanything about makeup. ew. ooh, squishy. squishy. just kidding.

i actually know what that is. that's a beauty blender. yeah, what's--oh, it's powder. hello guys. welcome to twosisters tutorials. today, we're going to be usingmakeup for the first time. so it's not gonna be a tutorial. yeah, we actually never uses makeup before soit's gonna be interesting.

yeah, this isgonna be interesting. and i found like this... what's this? >> too faced?>> eyeliners? it says too faced on it, does that meani'm gonna have two faces? gonna spend this wholetime trying to... and that... what are you doing?

can i see? i'm gonna give up on it. oh, but this doesn't blend it. i found this. we use it for bronzer. now, i have to open this again. there, got it open. now, it's wet but that's okay. what happened?

i found a blush guys,and it's super pink. i found shape tapes. it's gonna makemy face shaped with tape. i think this is concealer. it's concealer. never used this before, but now, we're goingto use it today. it's weird. okay, let's see.

i'm going to put my hair back. no concealer in the hair. what is that supposed to do? are we supposed to rub it in? this is making it worse. you look like a... you look creepy. what do they use this for? trying to put some on my chin.

this thing. okay guys, so, i think we're just going to quitwith the makeup for now, because i mean,i look like a clown, and this is not a look likea clown for 24-hour challenges. and this concealer,it didn't conceal anything. it made me look like a weirdo. okay, so i don't knowhow to use makeup, and yeah, we'll move onto something else.

we gotta wash this thing off. it looks like i gotmega skin problems. okay guys, so we washall that makeup off. that was a complete fail. we're going to tryto watch some youtube, or maybe like play some robloxbecause roblox is cool. mango's on my foot. let's see if ican get on to roblox. it's not loading.

how are we gonna play robloxif it's not loading? evelyn, yours isnot loading either? why is there no internetin the bathroom? i don't know. i'm going to call daddybecause i really want my roblox. hello. hi. daddy, there's no internetin the bathroom. [inaudible]

seriously? we're spending 24 hours in here, and we're not going to evenbe able to use the internet? yeah well, read a book. guys, there's no internetin the bathroom, and i'm pretty sureyou heard him. and now, i'm kind of madbecause i don't know what we're gonna be doingfor like the next like 22 hours in here.

i have no idea what to do. i'm so bored. i mean, we haveservice on the phone so we could watch videos, but i mean like for two people,the phone is really small. and also, we watch likecompletely different things. so it would be kind of hard. i don't know to dofor the next like 20 hours. evelyn, do you have any ideas?

well, look at allthose games we got. we can just play those. true. let's play some games. because why not? are you ready? you take four steps, but first, i haveto rearrange the poops, so don't move.

there. four steps. one, two, three, four. did i step on it? no, you didn't step on any poop. where? okay, here? you're taking four steps, and i have to rearrangethe poops before you start.

this one here. and this one, here. okay, 3, 2, 1, start! okay, four steps. yes, i'm safe. one. two. three. oh my god,it almost cracked on me.

no. whoa! yes! i won. she won. i got all soaked. i thought it was never goingto crack but then, it cracked me, and on the last try,i was like, okay,

i think i'm gonnabe safe this time, and then cracked on me,and now, the floor is wet. i'm gonna call daddy. put him on speaker. hi, can you bringthe mop because evelyn just peed herself? no, i didn't. i think our dad isreally confused right now. so mission accomplished.

anyway, he's the one that left uswithout any wi-fi so... mission completed. evelyn, i'm getting hungry. do you want to likeorder pizza or something? because i smellfrom the kitchen, mommy's making something like broccoli, >> and i really don't want broccoli.>> how are you gonna order? well, i mean,

mommy has an we can log in,and then we can order pizza. okay, looks like the pizza,here i come. okay guys, so weordered some pizza. the pizza is going to be coming, and like once you guys aboutto eat like yummy pizza, then like broccoli something, like i much ratherwould eat pizza. emily, evelyn, a pizza guy just showed upwith a huge pizza pie.

is that our pizza? i guess so, if you ordered it. did you order pizza? you know yourmom's cooking today. yeah, but i don'twant to eat that. i wanna eat the pizza, please. we have to say 24 hoursin the bathroom, and we can't even have pizza? look.

this was your idea to stay24 hours in the bathroom. and you know what? your mom workedreally hard to make that beautiful dinner for you. but pizza is so much better. your mom and dad are goingto eat the pizza, and you're goingto eat the pasta. well emily, lookslike your plan didn't work. tell me about it.

i just wanted pizza. gotta keep those pearlywhites pearly white. okay, guys, so thisis getting like late-ish. we are going to startmaking the bed, and we're probably gonna playsome granny before bed. i haven't played granny ever since they putthe practice mode on. i always play that because granny'snot really in the house.

but now, i'm going to actuallydare myself to play it while granny is in the house, and it's kind ofgoing to be scary when we're like playing itin a bathroom all by ourselves. but it's okay. it's nice to have a little scareonce in a while, right guys? this is actuallyquite comfortable. we got some extrablankets to put like under this pink blanket,

so it's like softand not hard. it's actually pretty comfortable because we havelots of cushioning. so i'm gonna try for granny, putting it on easybecause nightmare and stuff just hard so... she's opening the door. oh my dog. granny, i don't knowwhy i did this.

i was too scared to getout of the room. so i just was like, okay,just knock the table down. her laugh is horrifying. we're gonna have nightmares. okay, found a car key. i'm gonna run. evelyn, i can't play it anymore. just, good night. i have to turn off this phone.

good night. i'm really scared now. good morning. emily, evelyn. oh, you guys look socomfy in this bathtub. hi, babies. you wanna get up? you sleep good? hi mommy.

hey. ow, i'm so squished. is she still sleeping? she's always sleeping. i wanna get out of this bathtub. well, good morning, guys. we made it till the morning. it is morning. and well, this challenge wasactually easier than i thought.

i'm super happy. i mean, it was fun. but like, i'm happy to goand back to my real bed and my real house. evelyn is still sleeping. so i mean, i'm justgonna leave her there, and i'm just going to gohave some breakfast. so yeah. i hope you guysenjoyed this video.

don't forget to click on the oneof the videos down here, and thanks for watching. see you next time. please subscribe and bye.

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