Friday, March 13, 2020

yellow and gray chevron bathroom decor

yellow and gray chevron bathroom decor

hi i'm janna and i'm greg from cuttingedge stencils. today we're going to show you how to create a beautiful feature wall using a wall stencil feature or accent walls are the latest range inwall decorating it's so simple and the results are amazinghere's what you'll need your cutting edge stencil a clip-on stencil level adance foam roller with rounded ends a stencil brush for edges and cornerslatex or acrylic paints a large styrofoam plate low-tack painters tapeand paper towels first make sure your wall is clean and dust free stencilingover a flat base coat works best mask off the ceiling trim and floorboardssince we're doing an accent wall mask

off the side walls as well it's nice tostart on a section of the wall that allows you to do an uninterruptedfloor-to-ceiling row this establishes a perfect vertical in which to build leftand right for this wall we're using our casablanca stencil slidethe clip-on stencil level onto the bottom edge of your stencil make surethe level sits firmly against the edge of the stencil flip your stencil upsidedown to allow the top of the stencil to get right up to the ceiling crease checkto make sure your stencil is level and secure it with four to six pieces oflow-tack painters tape now pour some of the paint that you've selected onto yourstyrofoam plate load your dense foam

roller by rolling it over the paint afew times press on the roller as you do it so it absorbs the paint evenly nowblot off the excess paint on a folded paper towel this is a very importantstep not to be skipped now roll the stencil with your roller using light tomedium pressure excessive pressure may cause paint seepage under the stencil becareful not to roll over the outside edges of the stencil you can easilycheck how you're doing by carefully untape enlist in one corner of thestencil and taking a peek if it's too pale just put the stencil back and rollit a few more times back and forth adding slightly more pressure remove thestencil slowly so the blue tape doesn't

accidentally pull off any backgroundpaint look how great that looks reposition the stencil to continue downthe wall the paint dries quickly so no need to wait this stencil like many ofour stencils locks in with itself simply line up your stencil with the previouslypainted parts check for level and continue don't worry if it doesn't lineup perfectly and don't roll over the previously painted areas this gives youa seamless look and allows you to continue around the room after a coupleof prints you'll need to reload your stencil roller with more paint avoid thetemptation of pressing too hard on the roller to squeeze out the last bit ofpaint now repeat the process until

you're finished no need to clean thestencil in between repeats this stencil is good for many repeats before it needsto be cleaned it's time to clean the stencil only if your paint buildupstarts to compromise the design when you reach the edge simply bend the stenciltape it in place and roll right into the crease you can get deeper into thecrease with a stencil brush carefully remove the stencil and blue tape toreveal how clean the edge turns out the same step goes for side walls and trimrolling into the creases and finishing it off with a stencil brush again removethe stencil and tape to reveal the clean edges to fill in those gaps at theceiling line you can use your large

stencil but it gets cumbersome and tendsto flop down that's why we've included this special top part stencil designjust for this purpose align the top part using the paintedparts as registration tape it in its place and roll into the crease andfinish off with the stencil brush remove the stencil and continue with the nextrow this simple technique can unlock the door to endless decorative possibilitiesespecially with cutting edge stencils it's beautiful made easyyou

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Related : yellow and gray chevron bathroom decor