Saturday, December 8, 2018

vintage indie bedroom ideas

vintage indie bedroom ideas

tom dunn: i think people getscared of small spaces. i think that they don't want totry too many new things or too many different thingsbecause they think it's going to close in on themeven further. i'm tom dunn, co-ownerof overbey and dunn. this is our 200 square footstore at 19 christopher street in the west village, wherewe sell vintage and antique home goods. my partner, molly cavanaughand i, we both just found

ourselves ready fora new project. neither of our backgrounds arein furniture and design. but we both felt that wehad a love for it. so basically every four monthswe change the store out. we will invite a designer tocome in and work with us on a theme for the nextinstallation. we love working collaborativelywith people. and it gives the storea sense of newness, a reason to come back.

it is really interesting tosee what you can do with a smaller space and how much itcan change from installation to installation. this is all vintageand antique. we work with differentdealers. we spend a lot of time shoppingout in the field, basically, wherever we findsomething that we like. it's become a very personalexperience in that everything in the store we picked becausewe find it beautiful.

so our current installation,which opened on november 16th is called highland holidays,an arkansas christmas at balmoral. for this installation, we workedwith bronson van wyck who is actually anevents designer. we definitely wanted thatcountry house feel with more of a modern twist. the overall feeling when youwalk into the store is like you're walking intoa hunt lodge.

he's designed garlandand wreaths that you can buy by the foot. we're also selling at thestore all the vintage ornaments, gift boxes,and separately. we also like to have moreplayful accents, like the 1970's yellow phone, or we dothese really great lamps that are reconfigured byartist sean molin. those of are the more playfulthings, and the things that bring in the color andthe excitement.

having designers here and seeinghow each one does it differently has been really,pretty cool. you can have 50 things on asmall table, but if it's placed right, it looksbeautiful, and it looks right. with the installations, wewanted to try and make everything look purposeful. we didn't want to just have alot of things on the table because we want to sell it. we want it to make sense.

even though it's a small space,people come in three times and they still haven'tseen everything that's here. we've got a lot of feedback fromcustomers very surprised that they can come in here andit still feels like a livable, open space. it's been great, i think, forus and also just for people coming off the street to realizethat you can be in a small space, and youcan make it work. speaker: are you a socialmedia darling?

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